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Apologies I owe.

Her: You were too harsh and selfish! You could have given a hand. Not for me but for your future with the kids!


Him: I know, but I was making it hard on you to punish you for how bad you made me feel by leaving too soon! I was hurt and hoped to watch you fall and fail. I was avenging. But alas! Enough. I am no longer mad at you.


Her: Well, I left mostly to save you from all the pain you had to go through when you were with me. I left for the well being of our children. I left because I wouldn’t fit in and couldn’t breath.


Him: You see, you could have saved us all so many years of hardships if you would only apologize!


Her: I know I owed you an apology but I am also sure it is for very different reasons than what you want me to apologize for. And if every detail I took care of on your behalf, if every day I carried your burdens, if every good word I said about you behind your back, if every pound I paid, if every responsibility you neglected and I let you getaway with, if every time I didn’t ask you for what is mine, and if how I brought us those kids alone so well are all together not a big enough apology, I don’t know what is!


Him: I know you did so much and came a long way but no off course it is not the apology I wanted!!!!


Her: You see, this is exactly when too people fail to see one another! This is when each of them sees they are right and are right . but only them! This is when you want what you want how and when you want it! This is when you want to keep me but won’t let me be!


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