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Be the first to last!

Him: Well… I like you and I want to impress you… I want to give you a lot of firsts to remember me with… I want it to be special and different from anything you ever had before!! I want to overcome and surpass all the memories you have… I want you to acknowledge this as unprecedentedly amazing!

Her: Hmm! I don’t know if I can be impressed, or even want to be… I am sure there is so much I have already seen and done, and I know you may think you have no chance but let me tell you this: 
“I want to dress up and dance with someone who sees me, someone attentive… I want to enjoy and celebrate my being and femininity with a man who will not be challenged by it! I raised my own children but didn’t have babies with someone! How about that for a first?! I may come along as a has it all – want it all kinda woman but I promise you I haven’t had the least bit of the simplest things that make it count! Not just yet! And never consistently enough!!!! There are so many firsts that I am looking forward to with a person who sees me as his good place… only then, everything we do will be our first. And therefore we will live our whole lives all over again together for the first time.” 


Yes, I consciously want to live my life for the first time everyday consistently with a man who sees me as his good place consistently! 

I want this to be the first that lasts! 

Be the first to last.

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