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It's harder to fall in love with you...

This is why it is harder to fall in love with you; after becoming my true self…

It is harder because I know who I am and I am true about it

It is harder because I won’t leave any part of me hidden

Because I want to be accepted and cherished

Because I know what I am made of and what I have to offer

It is harder to fall in love because I don’t want to let myself down

It’s harder because if I find you now I will never let you go

I will love you good, fair and strongly

It’s harder because I will be accepting and tolerant

I will be there honestly and thoroughly

It’s harder because I am no longer afraid to be vulnerable

It’s harder because I know what I deserve and I am not settling for less

I will want things and I will require you to meet my standards

It’s harder because I will want you to want me, desire me, accept me, lock me up and set me free

It’s harder because I am not scared to give and take …. I am finally ready to take more

It’s harder because I am whole and to give you my whole you need to leave no rooms for holes

No rooms for cold shoulders disappearances, heart ache, vagueness or clouded emotions

No rooms for darkness or ego to sneak in

It’s harder because I will tell you I am jealous and though you enjoy it you won’t trigger it

It’s harder because you will guard us and so will I

It’s harder because you will want me as much as I do you and we shall both be proud of us!

It’s harder because we will make the time, give space and always be there

It’s harder because we will speak our minds, live our hearts and may not need to talk at all

It’s harder because we will have our language and we will always have respect and trust

It’s harder because I like you and you make me smile

It’s harder because you are what I want and desire

It’s harder because I know I can fight with you and for you

It’s harder because I can tolerate you and not feel like I am doing you a favor

It’s harder because I don’t want anything in return but you

It’s harder because we will spare no effort to keep what we found in each other

It’s harder to fall in love with you because it’s harder to not want to be in love with you

It’s harder because now that I love you it is even harder to stop loving you when the honey moon is over

It’s harder to fall in love with you after finding my true self because I want to lose it in & with you!

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